Snehal Sonawane
University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Title: Acquired cystic disease of kidney associated renal cell carcinoma mimicking adult polycystic disease of kidney
Biography: Snehal Sonawane
Clinical History: A 59 -year-old male with history of chronic hypertension, end stage renal disease, dialysis presented to UI health for bilateral cadaveric kidney transplant. Hemorrhagic nodule from enlarged cystic kidney is identified. Diagnosis: Acquired cystic disease associated renal cell carcinoma Differential Diagnosis: • Adult (AD) polycystic kidney disease • Acquired Cystic disease of Kidney • Acquired Cystic disease of Kidney associated renal cell carcinoma Key Microscopic Features: • Acinar, tubular, multicystic, papillary and solid pattern in various combinations • Presence of inter or intracytoplasmic lumina imparting sieve like appearance • Large tumor cells with eosinophilic cytoplasm and prominent nucleoli • Calcium oxalate crystals in stroma and lumina Immunohistochemical stains: • AE1/AE3, CD10, AMACR positive • CK7: Negative Discussion: • Acquired Cystic Kidney Disease (ACKD) can morphologically mimic autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease • Acquired cystic disease associated RCC is uniquely associated with ACKD recognized as a distinct clinical entity in WHO-2016 • Pancreatic cysts and possibly liver cysts can be seen in patients on hemodialysis.