Ahmed El-Habashi
Tulane University Hospital, New Orleans, USA
Title: Thyroid lesions fine needle aspiration cytology: Comprehensive cytomorphology update reporting, diagnostic pitfalls and interactive case presentation
Biography: Ahmed El-Habashi
FNAC is recommended as a routine prime investigation in the work-up of the solitary cold thyroid nodule. Requirements for accurate diagnosis are adequate material, optimal smearing, proper staining and experience. The accuracy of FNAC in thyroid lesions is over 90%, with sensitivity of malignancy diagnosis almost 100%, false negative is about 10% and false positive is 1-3%. The author in this workshop will demonstrate cytomorphologic features of majority of diagnostic entities in thyroid lesions FNA together with an emphasis on potential diagnostic pitfalls. The updated Bethesda System (TBS, 2017) for thyroid lesions FNA cytology reporting will be discussed with its clinical significance and management guidelines. The end of the talk will include interactive case presentations to ensure that the audience will achieve the basic ILOs objectives of the workshop.