ePoster Presentation

ePoster Presentation

Eric Piaton

East Pathology Centre

Title: High-grade urothelial cancer risk in patients with atypical urothelial cells: a hospital-based database

Submitted Date: 5/27/2015

Biography Abstract PDF

ePoster Presentation

Tessy PJ

Government Medical College Ernakulam.India

Title: Cytopathology of salivary gland lesions with histopathological correlation. A two year study in a tertiary care centre in South India.

Submitted Date: 06/05/2015

Biography Abstract PDF

ePoster Presentation

Chimezie Gabriel Dirisu

Federal College of Education (Technical),Nigeria

Title: Oral administration of Neem (Azadirachta indica a. Juss, 1886) extract and its effect on body weight and blood cells of hypertensive patients

Submitted Date: 06/10/2015

Biography Abstract PDF

ePoster Presentation

Yashchenko A.M.

Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical Universitty, Ukraine

Title: Lectin receptor interactions in rat lungs structural components on the background of experimental hypothyroidism

Submitted Date: Fri 6/26/2015

Biography Abstract PDF

ePoster Presentation

Torill Sauer

Akershus University Hospital, Norway

Title: The effect of the small amount of formalin in the SurePath liquid when establishing protocols for immunocytochemistry

Submitted Date: 7/22/2015

Biography Abstract PDF

ePoster Presentation

Marcela da Costa Gomes

UNESP - Sao Paulo State University,Brazil

Title: Sensibility of cell block techinique and osteocalcin immunohistochemistry at the osteosarcoma diagnosis

Submitted Date: 9/1/2015

Biography Abstract PDF